1954 Sunbeam Talbot Alpine

a 1954_Sunbeam_Talbot_Alpine.jpg (162531 bytes)

1954 Sunbeam Talbot Alpine

Images Copyright Bill Spear

a 1954_Sunbeam Talbot Alpine 2.jpg (118365 bytes)


The New Illustrated Encyclopedia of Automobiles
Our review:  Very impressive and informative alphabetical reference guide that lists over 4,000 automobiles with over 1,000 photographs, many of them in color.  Great for looking up arcane and little known marques. Probably the finest reference work of its kind.
Price:  $24.99 
12 x 9 ½, 560 pages, 1000+ color and b&w illustrations
Our rating:

a 1954 Sunbeam Talbot Alpine 3.jpg (62277 bytes)

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