2011 Wiesmann Roadster MF4


(from Wiesmann Press Release)  Anyone who claims that beauty is in the aesthetics and is based on subjective perception has obviously never seen the Wiesmann MF4. Once you’ve had a glimpse of the MF4, you’ll have to rethink the concept of objective beauty. The power of design is seldom seen as powerfully as it is in this roadster. It is an amalgamation of vintage and modern lines. Its philosophy unites power with pure comfort. If you’ve been searching for design and driving pleasure in one perfect car, look no further than the Wiesmann MF4.

“Our goal in developing the Wiesmann MF4 was nothing more and nothing less than the perfect combination of dynamics and design. I think this is what we have achieved”.
Martin Wiesmann

The Exterior

Open for strong emotions

There are some faces that stick in your mind – instantly and forever. Sometimes they work their way so deep into our minds that they appear in our dreams. But the Wiesmann MF4 Roadster is not just a dream car in the literal sense because of its distinctive frontal appearance like the MF4-S Roadster with its sporty, high-powered torque engine: What could be more beautiful than the sleek lines of this sports carogon;

The exhilaration of driving it of course.

The interior

Each piece is a work of art

It is not just the finest materials and workmanship that make the MF4 Roadster so compelling: The interior is perfectly matched to your personality, right down to the tiniest detail. And this is what makes the car a source of lasting gratification.

Seated in your work of art, you won‘t have eyes for anything else.

Serious Wheels